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As a career-programmer and tinkerer, these things give me great delight. Well, really, it's Mercurial + TortoiseHg, on Windows. Remember: Just because you're not coding in C++ doesn't mean you can just stop thinking about your memory usage, and other Responsible Programmer Stuff. I see bad web code way too often, and a lot of the code examples out there for new programmers don't demonstrate best practices. I have done some pretty serious gymnastics with it, and I am annoyed at how much time I always spend fighting to get what I want (especially cross-browser - GAH). And don't you dare try to tell me that I am saying that because I don't know how to use it, either. For something that was intended to get people to abandon their abuse of tables, CSS continues to be somewhat disappointing. I have used a lot of layout engines, over the years. I am still trying to get my head around exactly what this means, in the long-term. Many modern web applications have most of their logic on the client-side, with only a small data service on the back-end. The counter-intuitive thing is that our clients are actually growing fatter by the day. Everything was going to be on the internet, and our computers were just windows into that space. There was a time when we thought we were moving towards thin-clients. It may be an embarrassment of riches, but it is also very hard to choose what technologies to use for anything. There are so many frameworks and methodologies now that you just can't master them all. Ajax got rid of the hidden frames, but it was really JQuery that made the DHTML part of it considerably less painful, and for that, I am pleased.

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I created magic with DHTML and hidden frames, but it was black magic. In the days before Ajax, we did insane things. How many things get that kind of love from programmers? If you type "jquery sucks" into Google, you get 436,000 hits. If you type "jquery is awesome" into Google, you get 5,480,000 hits. Having gone swimming in web technology after a hiatus of almost a decade, I have the following observations to make: There are things worth exploring and learning - yes, even for game developers - especially for game developers. There are interesting challenges, in this space. We are back in a big growth phase for web technologies, and there are a lot of good programmers who have taken up residence here. I wont lie to you: There was some schadenfreude in some circles, when the bust hit, and some programmers found themselves chronically unemployable. com boom, but who could barely muddle their way through basic HTML. It is as though the reputation of web programming is forever tarnished by the proliferation of idiots who called themselves "web programmers," back during the. There are many career programmers in other industries who view web programmers with a jaundiced eye.

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It's been a while since I've done any serious web programming.

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